I want to thank you for visiting LI Pool and Patio. I understand the purchase of a swimming pool is a large investment; one that is made after hours of debating the various construction techniques, the aesthetics of pool shape and size, and the multitude of landscaping and patio options - all to create your perfect outdoor space. I know this because I have been in the pool business for over 30 years and incorporated under the same name since 1981. My company has built over 5000 swimming pools on Long Island and I have also served as a leading consultant to national swimming pool manufacturers. I guarantee that you will not find a better built pool anywhere. Our pool is made with the highest quality materials, comes with the most comprehensive warranties and my team consists of people with construction experience unmatched by my competitors.


You can be assured that when you purchase a pool from LI Pool and Patio nothing is taken for granted. I review the details of every pool contract. And when it becomes time to schedule your pool, you will receive a start date as well as an approximate completion date so that building your pool is just as enjoyable as swimming in it. Moreover, our commitment to you does not end when your pool project is completed. We have highly trained service and retail departments to handle all of your needs for years to come. Buying the right pool today will prevent future headaches. When making your final decision, please compare the various construction techniques and be certain you are buying a pool that will NEVER rust, rot, crack or deteriorate under any ground conditions. Additionally, confirm that your pool is built on solid footings to ensure it will never shift or move with the earth.


Please call me any time, before, during or after the sale and I will personally take the time to address any questions or concerns you may have. I take pride in returning all phone calls within 24 hours.



Michael Dominici

