Rest assured that Long Island Pool and Patio is committed to keeping your construction process manageable and short
lived. The construction process begins with an analysis of your pool’s placement options. As important as finding the most
attractive spot for your pool, proper placement requires evaluation of many factors including: your property’s grade, how
to best capture maximum sun exposure and, generally, which placement will be most convenient for your family’s intended
use. Then your excavation crew is promptly scheduled.


Following the pool’s excavation, our construction team arrives to install our non-corrosive wall system. The pool’s floor is
formed, the liner is placed within it and then it is filled with water. For our plumbing systems, we use non-corrosive, PVC

so that, like our pools, the plumbing system is impervious to all ground conditions.

Finally, after your filter system is completed and tested, we will make sure that you understand how to operate your pool. It

is usually also recommended that you end this process with a visit to our showroom to take advantage of our free water

testing by our “State of the Art” computerized lab. Regular testing will ensure the comfort of your pool’s water. There is

never any charge for water testing or additional instruction.

When Long Island Pool and Patio is contracted to design and build the patio that will complement your pool, we will

finalize all drawings and measurements and begin that construction in a timely manner as well. All that will be left for

you and your family is to enjoy a lifetime of fun in your new swimming pool.


Collaboration between automotive and composite component engineers has created the most powerful and advanced retaining wall system for your swimming pool. By combining the superior process of compression molding with the structural integrity of Fuzion 5010 highly engineered reinforced composite material, an incredibly powerful wall system was created. This resulted in a product with extraordinary durability and dimensional stability that will outperform all other similar products in the most extreme environments.


Highly engineered reinforced composites can be molded to produce almost any shape desired—large or small, as well as

simple or complex. Endless design possibilities with the Perfect 10 System.


Highly engineered reinforced composites maintain their shapes under intense mechanical and environmental stresses.

Fuzion 5010 will maintain its shape permanently.


Highly engineered reinforced composites are designed to produce a wide range of impact, tensile, and flexural strength

properties. Fuzion 5010 won’t warp or deform, crack or shear regardless of soil or climate conditions. (See written warranty)


Highly engineered reinforced composites do not rust or corrode, and offer various levels of chemical and environmental

resistance. Fuzion 5010 will withstand acidic or any other corrosive elements in the soil.


Scientists and lab technicians created Fuzion 5010 highly engineered reinforced composite by utilizing advanced material

design techniques and thoroughly evaluating the product’s end use to develop the perfect material for the Perfect 10 System
construction components.



Highly engineered reinforced composites have revolutionized entire industries such as the Aerospace, Automotive,

Military, Agriculture, Construction and Nautical because of its infinite applications and unprecedented performance.


Types of Composite Reinforcement Fibers
• Carbon
• Glass
• Graphite
• Aramid


Common Reinforced Composite Applications:
• Bed-Liners For Sport Utility Trucks
• Wings and Nose Cones for Fighter Jets and Airplanes
• Exterior Components for Military Tanks and Humvees
• Casings for Agricultural and Heavy Truck Equipment
• Composite I-Beams and Rebar for Bridge Construction
• Manhole Structures and Covers


The World's First Commercial Jetliner Made Out Of Composite: